Learn to Lift at Big Sky Farmington

Who: Young athletes and powerlifters (in groups of 3-4).
What: A program for developing foundational lifting technique on barbell movements.
Participants will also work on developing endurance, strength, and maximum force output.
When (How long): 45-minute sessions, 2 times a week, for 6 weeks.
Where: Big Sky Farmington.
How: Use of progressive overload and other scientific principles of strength training.

Athletes in this program will…

  • Develop and/or improve foundational technique on squat, bench, and deadlift, including proper bracing, positional stability, and key “99% checkpoints”.
  • Practice generating maximal force output through landmine variations of weightlifting movements (smaller learning curve).
  • Execute proper supplemental and accessory exercises to support endurance,
    hypertrophy, etc.
  • Learn how to support their lifting and sports performance through proper nutrition, stress management, and sleep.
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