“Kids’ Corner” Pre-School

Choosing a preschool can be difficult. Well, hit your easy button, because Big Sky Farmington has the answer! The “Kid’s Corner” at Big Sky Farmington is a state-certified program for nursery school and pre-kindergarten aged children. At both levels, children will have the opportunity to learn, play, socialize and reach their GREATEST potential. At the Kid’s Corner we know education is important, that children need to be creative and that having a FUN doesn’t hurt either.

Kids will spend the day learning new skills and improving others. Playtime is SO MUCH MORE than arts & crafts! There are A MILLION (okay, maybe not a million… but a lot) of different activities to choose from; a sand/water table, writing table, building blocks, investigation station and reading corner, just to name a few!!

For our Pre-K kids, we offer programs to foster language skills and literacy development. Our teachers keep an eye on each child’s level of development as their reading and writing skills emerge. We expect, accept and take into consideration the different learning styles and speeds of children, which is why our lesson plans are designed with your child in mind!

It’s our goal at Big Sky to get YOU better results… and that goes for your children too!! Your kids will not be confined to the classroom. They’ll have a 30-minute swimming lesson once a week and 30 minutes of playtime once a week in the fully equipped kid’s gym.

Join us on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Prekindergarten from 9:00am to 12:00pm. and on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00am to 12:00pm for Nursery school!

The Big Sky Kid’s Corner allows curious, clever and creative kids to excel. It’s never too early to turn your child into a Big Sky FitKid!

For more detailed information about our Kid’s Corner Preschool, to schedule a visit, or to reserve your spot, CLICK HERE!

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