“What are you waiting for? Let’s do this!”

Big Sky Farmington
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach
Have you ever failed before? I have.
My journey as a fitness professional began when my collegiate baseball career at UConn came to an end. As a young boy, I always dreamed of playing professional baseball. While that dream never came to fruition, something else did, my passion to help others become their healthiest and best selves.
At first, when I stopped playing baseball I thought all my training, dedication and hardwork had been a waste. But as I reflected on my sports career, I realized I learned so much about moving my body the right way, staying disciplined, and eating and training for high athletic performance.
Today, I enjoy working closely with my clients and using my experience as a former high-level athlete to help them reach fitness goals that are unique and important to them. I have trained athletes, lawyers, doctors, firefighters, actuaries, full time moms, you name it. While all their goals may be similar or different, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have someone in your corner that you can trust, with the right expertise who wants to help you get the best results.
Some might think that working with a trainer or coach can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. My coaching style is giving you the support and encouragement that you need while providing a structured plan for you when we train together.
Coaching is a two way street. You are not here to be bossed around. This isn’t boot camp, it is a partnership. I want to work together with you on this journey to make it a great experience and most importantly to guide you to the results that you want!
If you are looking for guidance, if you are looking for a training environment you can feel comfortable in, if you are looking for results, then you found it. What are you waiting for? Let’s do this!”
“Put all excuses aside and remember this: You are capable.¨ – Zig Ziglar