“Whether it’s strength, performance, feeling better, whatever your goals… I got
your back!”

Big Sky Newington
BS Occupational Therapy UHart
Certified Functional Strength Coach
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist
NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist
NASM Nutrition Specialist
A self-proclaimed science nerd with a need to know how everything works, and more importantly how everything works together. I coupled that “need” with my love of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology and became an Occupational Therapist; working mainly with orthopedic, cardiac, and neurological populations in the subacute setting. In a nutshell, working to get folks back to functioning successfully and independently at home again.
The rehabilitation environment was rewarding and purposeful, but when given the opportunity to pair my science nerd skill sets with my love of fitness, my second passion, it was a no brainer.
My purpose now; to be certain the science of your workout connects to your goals in, and more importantly, outside of the gym. To be certain proper sets, reps, intensity, etc. are being performed. To make certain you are performing the right exercises right. To make certain you are working smarter not harder. To make certain the gym is your passion versus a chore. To be certain that YOU understand what YOU specifically need to do for YOU to succeed. It isn’t about me after all, it’s about you.
But let’s be clear, whether it’s strength, performance, feeling better, whatever your goals… I got your back!
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
-Benjamin Franklin