Peter Holmes (Tennis Director)
Over 35 years teaching and coaching experience
25 years USPTA Pro Level-1 certification
5 years of NCAA coaching, including 3 years at the Division-1 level
Held the #1 Doubles ranking in New England for 2 years
Held the #4 Singles ranking for one year

Bret Smith (Junior Tennis Director)
Over 30 years teaching and coaching experience
Over 20 years of USPTA Pro Level-1 certification
USPTR certified
4 years coaching Simsbury High School Tennis
Held Collegiate national and New England rankings

Paul Ratcliffe (Tennis Professional)
Over 20 years of teaching at Farmington Farms Tennis and Athletic Club
USPTA Pro level certification 11 years
Former captain at the University of New Hampshire
Former coach of the 2 time Avon High School Boys state class S championship tennis team
3 time HCC All Conference, 2 time CT All State high school teams
Christina Walters (Tennis Professional)
Over 20 years of teaching and coaching experience
USPTR Certified
Former Division-1 NCAA coach
Rachel McKeeman (Tennis Professional)
Over 15 years teaching experience
USPTR certified
Former Head Professional Wychemere Tennis Club
Former Head Professional Willows Racquet Club
Founder of the Ram Tennis program at the Willows Racquet Club
3 Years coaching at Danvers High School
Kathy Clark (Tennis Professional)
15 years teaching experience
USPTA and USPTR certified
Former Division 1 college player
10 and under tennis specialist
Quat Vu (Tennis Professional)
USPTR certified
Former Division 3 College Player
10 and under tennis specialist