Enjoy this guest post by Big Sky New Britain Master Trainer Cary Marino. moˑ tiˑ va ˑtion [mōdә’vāSH(ә)n ] noun The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way ˑThe [...]
Big Sky Simsbury Team Member Jessie may have hit a plateau in her training, but she’s not ready for her results to slow down. Here’s her strategy for beating that plateauing [...]
Robert (Bob) Logan of Tolland is living his best life. The 82-year-old retired English professor is healthy, happy and owes it all to Trainer Jeremiah Brown of Big Sky Vernon. When Bob started [...]
Our choices determine our success. A simple concept that we often forget. This theory can be applied not only to our professional and personal life, but also to achieving our fitness goals. [...]