7 Tips to Help You Save Money and Eat Healthier

Enjoy this guest post from Big Sky New Britain Coach Eric Henry. 

Eric has a BS in Exercise Science and stays up to date with his continuing education as the world around is ever changing! His coaching focuses on quality of life as well as overall health.

7 tips on how to eat healthy and save money.

1. Shop at multiple stores and use coupons!

This one tip will save you the most on your grocery bill! Make sure you go to at least two different grocery stores every week. Have your “go to” grocery store and your back up (for instance Whole Foods and ShopRite or Stew Leonard’s and Aldi). Buy whatever’s on sale at your favorite one, and later that week, buy the rest of the essentials at your back-up. 

If you want to step it up a notch… COUPON. I have 5 different grocery store apps on my phone, and I always look at what’s on sale. Not only does this save $$$, but a lot of times it helps you eat seasonally as things go on sale when they’re in season and readily available. 

Visiting two grocery stores to buy what’s on sale and couponing could end up cutting your grocery bill in half!

2. Create a list! 

Creating a list before you shop (and sticking to it!) will save you from making impulse purchases that you don’t really need or buying whatever the grocery marketers make you want in the moment. Let’s face it, sticking to what’s on your list cuts down on the crap you buy, and when shopping is planned out in advance, you’ll get much better and healthier options… cheaper.

3. See what you can buy in bulk and on sale. (rice, fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, meats, etc.) 

Portion what you buy into sizes that you’ll use easily, freeze it right away, and then pull it out when you’re ready to eat! Just about anything can be frozen!


I’m the leftover King! A great way to handle leftovers is to throw them into an omelet. Chili omelets, taco omelets (just meat and vegetables… this would be weird with tortillas!), steak omelets… be creative! When we look at dinner we often think “protein, vegetable, carb” so typically, dinner ends up being a well-balanced meal that we can repurpose for breakfast. Not only will it save you time in the morning, but using up those leftovers helps to not waste food/money.

5. Limit pre-packaged food/snacks.

Pre-packaged foods are often more expensive and less healthy. Not only are you paying someone else to do the work for you, but they also often use the cheapest ingredients AND you’re paying more for the convenience Take a few minutes to cut your mushrooms, make the rice, and cut your own watermelon. Plus, a lot of jobs are sedentary, so it’s a great idea to stand up and do more anyways.

6. Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store.

Stick to the outside edges of the store where you typically find fresh produce, meat, and healthier items. 

More healthy food and less processed food = less likely to have to pay the doctor someday!

7. Consider meal delivery services.

Yes, we said “do it yourself”, but if time or cooking skills are a concern, meal delivery services that offer healthy options with specific macros can be a convenient choice. Some options are Box Bistro, Factor 75, and The Strong Kitchen. You can do just one meal a day or all three. 

If you want to learn how to cook, there are services like Hello Fresh and Blue Apron that ship all the ingredients with specific directions on how to make a delicious meal. It’s a great way to start cooking, teaching you new techniques and introducing new ingredients you may not have used before.

By implementing these tips, you can make smart choices while grocery shopping, save money, and maintain a healthy diet.

If you’re looking for additional support in achieving your exercise and nutrition goals, we’re here to help! Sign up for our FREE 5 Session Personal Training Experience* HERE and start seeing results faster!

See you at Big Sky!

* Open to both Members and Non-Members. Must not have done Personal Training, Team Training or a Team Training Trial in the past 6 months.

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