Workout Basics – Finding Time

Workout Basics – Finding Time

One of the number one reasons that people never reach their fitness goals is because they believe the little voice in their head saying, “I don’t have enough time.”

Yes, life is crazy and it gets busy, but there is time if you know where to look.  Instead of thinking about what you should be doing, how about changing your thinking to what you shouldn’t be doing. Think about all those little time wasters that suck up your spare time.  We can almost guarantee that you’re spending either an extra 30 minutes on the computer browsing Facebook or Pinterest, or that you’re spending 30 minutes to an hour watching useless TV shows and the stressful news headlines.

We’re not saying that you can’t enjoy some TV or an occasional internet browsing session to decompress, but when those things become habits, they become excuses as to why we can’t get our workouts in.

So, for today, swap your 30 minutes on Facebook/internet time/ TV time to 30 minutes doing something that will help you reach your goals. Maybe that means a quick 30-minute circuit of push-ups, squats, planks and marching in place. Maybe it means planning meals for the week, or scheduling your workouts for the coming month. 

Time is precious, especially at this busy time of year. Use it wisely today to help YOU be exactly who you want to be. It’s never too late to change the direction of your life and accomplish all you want to accomplish! 

Need help designing a workout plan that fits into your busy life?  Sign up for a FREE 5 Session Personal Training Experience.  Let our Trainers at Big Sky show you that working out doesn’t have to take hours of your day.  Click below to get started!


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