Embracing the New You

Many of our members exemplify the spirit of our credo, and that includes Kyle Walker. Before Big Sky Kyle was smoking two packs of cigarettes a day, eating fast food and pizza, drinking 40 cans of soda per week, sitting around playing video games and not exercising at all. Once his son Aiden was born, he began reflecting on his habits and decided that he didn’t want to be the kind of dad that couldn’t run around and play with his kid.

The first step towards becoming a better version of himself was to quit smoking cigarettes. Kyle used his discipline and willpower to quit smoking COLD TURKEY!

Three years ago, Kyle ran into an old friend who had been working out and looked great. Kyle decided that he wanted the same for himself so he and his friend started coming to Big Sky together!  Currently he’s working out 5 times a week! Lifting weights at night and mixing in 35 minutes of cardio in the morning has been his formula for staying fit! This past year, Kyle has seen his body transform as he trains for a number of bodybuilding competitions. In July he was encouraged to compete in the Patriots Cup (a National Physique Committee show) and was awarded for his hard work by placing 2nd in novice heavyweight and 3rd in the men’s open body building. Kyle was also working hard while training for The Jay Cutler Classic competition.

He’s eating healthy, staying hydrated and working out at Big Sky while also receiving massage therapy.  His advice:  “Nothing in life comes easy that is worth doing. Do it for yourself, you can’t do it for anyone else.  And don’t lie to yourself!”  He loves working out at Big Sky not just for the equipment, but also for the atmosphere, members and the employees.

We see how far you’ve come, Kyle, and we’re cheering you on while you meet and exceed your fitness goals. We are stronger together!

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