Club Improvements at ALL Big Sky Gyms!

We’ve been busy taking advantage of the “not-as-busy” summer months and focusing on club improvements at all four Big Sky locations !  Here’s a quick summary of what’s been recently completed, and what’s to come !

You’ll notice a beautiful new tile floor in the lobby and the locker room hallway when you visit Big Sky New Britain.  The updated tile gives the gym a bright, fresh new look. 

The upstairs turf area was replaced with a 30% BIGGER turf / functional training area, including a NEW sled lane, NEW battling ropes, NEW sandbags and NEW Bulgarian bags !  We’ve also added (2) new stepmills and (2) new rowers !  And if you haven’t seen it yet, check out Big Sky’s Credo. 

new britain credo

Our Credo [kree-doh] noun: 1. Our statement of beliefs and principles  2. Our mindset.

At Big Sky… WE CHANGE LIVES.  We believe in the power of fitness to transform… to inspire.  We believe in a world of endless possibilities.  We work hard.  We finish strong.  We believe in our ability to create the very best version of ourselves… every day.  We strive to improve… to excel… to rise above.  We are dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.  Making the most of ourselves for the people we care about.  Our families.  Our community of friends.  We believe in a life well lived.  We appreciate what we have, while we reach for more.  Leaner, stronger, more confident.  We are comfortable in our own skin.  We embrace the journey.  We NEVER GIVE UP!  We lead by example.  Always Positive and Always Getting Better.  We respect and learn from our differences.  We believe we are stronger together.

We are Big Sky… Fitness for the human race.

Construction continues at Big Sky Vernon.  We’ve added a second mezzanine area with ALL NEW cardio and functional training equipment. 

The gorgeous NEW ladies’ locker room also opened this summer to rave reviews.  Members love the private changing rooms and private vanity areas.  The NEW men’s locker room is expected to open by the first week of September. 

Big Sky Vernon members are also enjoying a NEW smith machine, NEW pec deck, and NEW shrug machine on the fitness floor. 

Vernon - trial

At Big Sky Simsbury, both locker rooms have been seeing updates and repairs.  In the men’s room, a new tile floor was installed and (14) new lockers have been ordered to upgrade some of the existing lockers.  In the ladies’ room, all three showers are being retiled.  We’ll see the rest of the bathroom area walls rebuilt and repainted soon. 

Simsbury’s spinning room was also updated with a refinished floor and fresh new paint. 

simsbury spin

Carpet was ordered for the upstairs fitness area back in June, but it’s not expected to be delivered until September.  Once it arrives, installation will begin.  NEW equipment on the way to Big Sky Simsbury this fall include:  a NEW cable crossover for upstairs, (3) NEW treadmills, (2) NEW Free-Motion Incline Trainers and (2) NEW upright bikes.  ALL are expected to arrive in September ! 

Big Sky Newington members are enjoying NEW dumbbell benches,  (3) NEW Precor AMT’s and (2) NEW Lifefitness Stepmills.  In September, a new selectorized multi-station will arrive to replace the Bodymaster multi-station on the lower level.  A NEW Hammer Strength MTS Kneeling Leg Curl is also on order.  Work is scheduled to begin on renovating / upgrading mezzanine 1 this fall.  

newington equipment

OK… Well that’s it for now ! 

As always, THANK YOU for being so supportive and understanding during construction.

And THANK YOU for being a part of Big Sky !

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