Vernon Club Improvements – April Update

Hello everyone – a quick summary of what’s been completed over the last few months, and of what’s coming next !!

UPSTAIRS “TURF 2” AREA:  . . . ALL NEW and finished !  (. . . and we added (2) NEW TREADMILLS by the railing.)

vernon new turf 2               vernon 2 new treads

SPINNING: This NEW, WORLD CLASS STUDIO is the 1st in Connecticut to feature our  NEW VIRTUAL REALITY CLASSES !

Using the NEW 200” SCREEN, our Big Sky instructors are taking you on (140) different, immersive virtual rides — all over the world !   It’s INCREDIBLE !  Demand for classes in this NEW studio filled up SO quickly, we added another (13) NEW BIKES, bringing the total now available in the room up to (50) !

If you haven’t tried it yet . . . GO AHEAD . . . GET IN THERE . . . and ENJOY YOUR RIDE !!!

vernon virtual reality screen               vernon spin

NEW WOMEN’S vernon no boys allowedONLY AREA:  finished . . . and all the equipment was reupholstered.  More natural light, better air flow, and – most importantly – more privacy than your old area.

No more need for anyone to pass through on their way to someplace else in the club.  Like the sign says, it’s now truly a “Women’s Only (no boys allowed 🙂 Area”.

MORE UPSTAIRS FITNESS SPACE:   the area just off of the Shake Bar area – almost finished.  We’re waiting for the last of the rubber materials to come in, and then we’ll be able to finish the Aggression Wall (for Dynamax Ball Slams).   

The last equipment rack, to hold all the NEW KETTLEBELLS, NEW BULGARIAN BAGS, NEW SAND BAGS, and NEW MEDICINE BALLS is expected in by the 1st week of April.

In the meantime, try Big Sky’s “SkyPods” !  The 1st of their kind anywhere in CT, these self-contained training stations make circuit training MUCH easier and less frustrating.   No more wondering who took your equipment, or wasting time looking for what you need.

With these NEW SKYPODS, everything you need, for over 100 different exercises, is all right there in one place for you.  Enjoy !!

vernon aggression wall   vernon sky pods2   vernon sky pods

NEW EQUIPMENT:  Between the New Spinning bikes, the NEW treadmills by Turf 2, the NEW, INCLINE TREADMILLS on the NEW mezzanine area, NEW Group Fitness dumbbells, and all the other NEW cardio equipment and various NEW functional equipment added throughout the club, we’ve already added nearly $100,000 of NEW EQUIPMENT this year.

WOMEN’S LOCKER ROOM:   work is moving along well.  Tiling has started, and the marble counters are in.  NEW lockers, NEW private vanities, NEW private changing rooms . . . your ALL NEW, BIGGER, MUCH NICER WOMEN’S LOCKER ROOM — right there next to the pool – will be completed by the end of April. vernon locker room in progress

MEN’S LOCKER ROOM:  once the NEW women’s locker room is finished, we’ll be converting the other women’s locker room (the one in between ECHN and the Spinning Studio) into the NEW Men’s Locker Room.   Work there will start in May.

Guys, your NEW locker room will be beautiful.  Thank you for your patience.  We promise . . . it’ll be worth it !

MORE WORKOUT SPACE DOWNSTAIRS:  once the Men’s Locker Room is moved, we’ll  knock down the old Men’s Locker Room, build a better Family Changing Room and bathroom for kids using the pool, and then THE ENTIRE REST OF THE OLD MEN’S ROOM will become part of the downstairs strength training area.vernon lower level

As we get closer, watch for “Cast Your Vote” in the lobby so you can let us know what MORE, NEW EQUIPMENT you’d like !

OK, that’s everything for now.  THANK YOU EVERYONE for being so supportive and, as always, thank you for being a part of Big Sky !!

Joe Millett  —  General Manager

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