Big Sky New Britain Trainer Cary Fabiani asked some of our Members to complete this sentence: “I NEVER THOUGHT I’D BE ABLE TO…”
Their accomplishments range from funny, to sweet, to inspiring. Here are a few of their answers!
Do 15 complete push-ups in a row – Claire
Ride my bike shirtless at the age of 52! – Paulie
Do an hour on the elliptical or take a spin class – Diana
Take a photo, shirtless! – Christina
Work out with the “Big Girls” – G
Spin without falling off the bike – Hillary
Pushups and elliptical – Donna
Tone and strengthen every part of my body – Kathryn
Bench press 135 lbs. I’ve wanted to press those big wheels all my life! – Rich
Any of this ! – Vera
Climb 34 flights of stairs – Tracy
Lose my post pregnancy baby weight – Kate
Get back into a size 8 – Valeria
Feel less stressed and stay motivated – Aaron
Work out three times a week and lose weight – Mary Sue
Go to the gym 5 days in a week – Terrie
Finish a Tough Mudder – Liz W
Commit to working out so hard and so long. Be this proud of my results. Run again, and weight train – Adia
Go to the gym 3 times a week and dance 2 times a week in my 7th month of pregnancy – Sheri
Keep the commitment to coming to the gym regularly. Going on 5 months now! – Lori
Teach spin 4 times a week, run 6 miles 3 times a week, and train with the best… and still be standing, wanting more – Jill
Consistently work out and stick to a routine with good eating habits for over a year, and to be able to run as fast as I can now. – Herryz
Complete workouts without giving up. As well as run on a treadmill and be consistent – Veronica B
Be committed to the gym so many days a week. Running for 30+ minutes has also been a big accomplishment – Jacqui
Get down on the floor and then get up… without the help of furniture – Helen
Maintain a consistent workout routine – D.
Go to the gym 4-5 days a week, keep a 10-minute mile, and feel better each morning – Travis
Keep up with my workout routine for almost 2 years and run a full marathon – Ben
Keep a 7 minute mile pace on the treadmill – Lee
Fit into my tuxedo from college – Jamey
What do YOU think you’ll never be able to do ???
Let us help you prove yourself wrong!
To try our FREE 5 Session Personal Training Experience, click HERE !