Sara Michaud of Berlin had been lacking confidence and had not been feeling comfortable in her own skin for years. She wanted a work-out routine she could stick to and knew the only way to get one was by having a personal trainer.
Sara knew about Big Sky New Britain since she lived in the area, she just had to work up the courage to go in and sign up. As someone who struggles with anxiety, Sara felt personal training would help control her anxiety and improve her overall health.
Working with Trainer Maggie Hemingway, Sara says, “kept me motivated. With just a text message she would make me feel like I was important and getting closer to my goals”. Sara attributes some of her success to the friendliness of her trainer and the other staff members at Big Sky New Britain.
Now Sara visits the gym regularly, takes yoga classes, and is more aware of what she’s putting in her body and how it impacts her. She says her favorite compliment is when people say that she doesn’t even look like the same person! The big takeaway Sara says, “is to sign up with a Big Sky Trainer! It will change the way you feel about working out”.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Sara! Keep up the good work.
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