Veronica Bisson joined Big Sky New Britain wanting to become fit and healthy. “I didn’t have a time frame in mind, I just knew I needed to work on getting where I wanted to be. I hadn’t succeeded on my own at that point and I wasn’t pushing myself.” This busy pre-school teacher from New Britain wanted to lose weight and be able to run, play and participate in activities with her son, without letting her weight hold her back. Veronica began working with Trainer Jeremy Goodman so she would have his guidance and encouragement. So far she’s lost 30 POUNDS! She tells us her back pain is under control, she’s lowered her blood pressure, and she has more energy to keep up with her little guy!
We asked her what words of encouragement she’d like to share with people who might be just starting out. She told us “The best advice I can give, and it took me a while to learn this myself, is that weight loss takes time. Not everyone loses weight the same way. So be happy with the progress you’re making… and get back up when you fall!”
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Veronica. And congratulations on your success !
Always remember… better gyms, better workouts, better RESULTS !