Better Nutrition for Busy Schedules

Enjoy this guest post by Big Sky Coach Ryan Bourgeois.

Ryan is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer with certifications in Nutrition, Corrective exercise, Bodybuilding and Senior Fitness. He’s also has a Weight Loss Specialist through NASM and behavior modification certification through NESTA. Ryan is also a DYT (Defend Yourself Training) Coach at the Simsbury Big Sky location.

Better Nutrition for Busy Schedules!

Sometimes our schedules can seem so busy we can’t even find time for ourselves let alone any fitness or nutritional goals we set out to achieve. Work, family life, daily tasks and other obligations tend to soak up what little precious time we have, and our goals by default tend to fall to the wayside.

But what if I told you there are ways to get to your goals without sacrificing too much of your free time? Would you take those steps?

Whether the goal is weight loss, fat loss, muscle building or even healthy weight gain you need to have a plan! One that fits into your schedule but can also adapt and change should the situation call for it.

Here are a couple strategies to help you see success on your fitness journey!

  1. Find time to prep and keep it simple! Grill, bake or use the stovetop to cook a bunch of proteins, veggies and carbs for convenient access to make meals for the week. Or perhaps prep a large salad that can last you a couple days! 30 minutes to an hour is all you need and it can be done while watching your favorite tv program or can even be a fun activity to get the family involved with!
  2. Keep high protein snacks on hand, especially wherever and whenever you’re tempted to reach for lower nutrient dense foods.
  3. If you are ordering from a restaurant, look up the menu in advance and opt for foods low in calories and higher in nutrients. A lot of restaurants will post calorie amounts for the items you seek, although these numbers can sometimes be incorrect, so try to make your best judgement here!
  4. Keep plenty of water on hand as it can help curb unwanted cravings! The body can trick your mind into thinking it’s hungry when in fact you’re actually just dehydrated. The RDA (recommended daily amount) as of today is between 8-15 cups a day for males and 6-12 cups a day for females due to activity level and age. Find more information on proper hydration HERE.
  5. You can research grocery delivery services and use the time you would’ve spent shopping to create and prep meals for the week. Or you can look into meal prep companies who can save you a ton of time!

For ideas like this and many more talk to one of our Big Sky Coaches, they’re here to work with you to help simplify and accelerate your progress!

-Coach Ryan



If you’re looking for additional support in achieving your exercise and nutrition goals, we’re here to help! Sign up for our FREE 5 Session Personal Training Experience and start seeing results faster!

See you at Big Sky!

* Open to both Members and Non-Members. Must not have done Personal Training, Team Training or a Team Training Trial in the past 6 months.

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