IT Engineer Eric Hebert of Tolland just had weight loss surgery when he started an online search for a local gym. After surgery, he had lost 100 pounds on his own but knew he needed to start working out to reach his goal of losing another 100 pounds. In 42 weeks Eric lost 63 pounds working out at Big Sky Vernon with his Trainer Jen!
Eric attributes his success to tracking what he eats, working regularly with his Big Sky Trainer, and being more active in general. He’s now at the gym 3 times a week and has been told by several people that he’s inspired them to change their food habits and start working out too.
The advice he’d like to give to anyone just starting out is “If you think you can’t turn things around, stick with it because you CAN do it. Cherish even the smallest victories and don’t dwell on the setbacks.”
Congratulations on your victories Eric! Keep up the great work! You’re a true inspiration.
Always remember… Better Gyms, Better Workouts, Better RESULTS !
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