Jean’s Success Story

Night shift Oncology Staff R.N. Jean Mumley of South Windsor has been working with her Trainer Sarah at Big Sky Vernon and was kind enough to answer some questions. Enjoy!

Q.  What got you motivated to start working out?


Jean – Before

A.  I was done being a yo-yo and my “big clothes” weren’t fitting anymore. I knew what I needed to do, and my Trainer was right there when I needed her.  

Q.  How did you accomplish your goals?

A.  My Trainer Sarah helped a lot! She would always ask if I could do 5 more reps and then when I could, she would challenge me by increasing the weight on the next set. She’s always encouraging me when I feel stuck. I use a FitBit activity tracker and the MyFitnessPal app as well. I love that my Trainer is able to comment on MyFitnessPal. As the weight was coming off and I was paying attention to the food I was eating she asked, “Is this something you could continue with when you reach your goal?” That’s when everything clicked for me.

Q.  What are your activities like now?


Jean – After

A.  Elliptical, weights, treadmill, personal training with Sarah… I also started running on vacation because I couldn’t get to the gym. I kept that up even after vacation and have gradually increased my distance. This fall I entered my first race. It was so much fun! After that first race I was still nervous about entering the Manchester Road Race, but Sarah said she thought I could do it, so I did!  

Q.  What’s the best compliment you’ve received so far?

A.  Well, it’s not a compliment per se, but my kids have asked to go running with me. Sure, having my husband tell friends that I’m “disappearing” is nice, and our friends saying that I’m “getting so fit” is great… but nothing beats the feeling of having an impact on your children and them wanting you to teach them about what you’re doing!!

Q.  What’s your favorite thing about Big Sky?

A.  I really like the equipment, there’s such a great variety! I also love seeing so many people of different abilities working toward similar goals. The front desk team is great! They always greet me by name and make me feel welcome when I’m checking in.

Q.  Do you have any “words of wisdom” you’d like to share with someone who might be just starting out?

A.  Sure, a few things!

You have to want it for yourself not anyone else… so get up and DO IT for yourself!

Don’t make excuses about why you can’t get to the gym.

Just because you reach your goal doesn’t mean you’re done.

Never say “I can’t”. Always say “OK, I’ll try” and let that be your new challenge. You’ll be amazed what you CAN accomplish!

We’re amazed at all YOU’VE accomplished Jean! Keep up the great work and continue to be an inspiration to your children and everyone around you!

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