Peace in the Chaos

Enjoy this guest post by Big Sky Coach Jesse Suchocki.

Jesse is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer with additional certifications in Precision Nutrition, as well as Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery. Jesse is also a DYT (Defend Yourself Training) Coach at the New Britain Big Sky location. Click HERE to read Jesse’s full bio.

Peace in the Chaos!!!

Ah, the holidays. A time for joy, cheer, and… utter chaos. Between the shopping, the decorating, the cooking, the parties, and the family gatherings, it’s a wonder anyone makes it out alive (or at least sane).

But amidst the madness, there’s a quiet voice whispering, “Slow down. Breathe. Enjoy.” The problem is, that voice is often drowned out by the chorus of “Must. Do. More.”

Here are a few bullet points to consider so we aren’t trying to drown ourselves in spiked nog…

  • The “One Breath” rule: We’ve all done it before, Our judgmental Aunt says one thing about your kids hair and you let out that long breath “here we go”. That “One Breath”, utilized properly, can keep us from telling Aunt Judy where she can go. Take that breath and simultaneously feel your body work through the release. Feel your muscles contract and relax, feel it in your fingers. Then, reflect on three things that you are grateful for. You’ll find patience and relax away from the thoughts we don’t need to be stressing ourselves about. You only see Aunt Judy once a year, she’ll be gone tomorrow.
  • The “Sanity” workout: This might require some “polite” delegation. Not only are we putting off eating and hydrating. We completely deny that workout that has been keeping us sane all year. All of a sudden we decide to not workout, just when we need it the most? Critical during this time of year is that “leave it all at the gym” circuit. Clear your head and be focused when you’re writing 212 christmas cards to people you don’t see at all anymore. Require from family, spouses, etc.. that you get your 45 mins a few times a week. Unless they like it when you snap off the hinges cause the baskets for the neighbors still haven’t been delivered yet. 
  • The World can spin without you!!!: Turn off your phone and Step Away from the screen. Do something that brings you joy. Read a book, Take a walk in nature, Take a bath. Don’t let the hustle and bustle take away from the true meaning of the season. Slow down. The world will continue to spin (so will the holiday chaos) without YOU. 

All Wrapped Up!!!

The holidays will largely be a chaotic time, but it shouldn’t be a source of stress and overwhelming anxiety. Slow down, embrace the imperfections and focus on what truly matters. We can find peace in the chaos.

 So, take a deep breath put on some festive music and enjoy the most wonderful time of year (even if it doesn’t feel like it)

Hope this helps!

-Coach Jesse

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* Open to both Members and Non-Members. Must not have done Personal Training, Team Training or a Team Training Trial in the past 6 months.

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