Super Fit At 40

Sarah Worthen of Willington is a mother of two who forgot to take care of herself while caring for her children. Enough was enough for her! She watched a YouTube documentary about body building and decided to make some changes! She joined Big Sky Vernon and signed up for training sessions with John right away. At first, Sarah was skeptical since she had worked out at many different gyms prior to Big Sky. But with John’s help she was able to put those worries aside because she started seeing results! By combining training twice a week with a healthy diet and constant motivation from John, Sarah was able to lose 25lbs and 6 pant sizes before turning 40 years-old, which was one of her goals. Sarah is happy to report that her body has totally changed and she has been able to build muscle.  Words of advice: She says to stick with it. staying consistent will get you the most progress and diet makes a huge impact!

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Sarah!

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